Take part in the EFAN’s (Youth/Teens) FASD Artwork Contest and you could win up to $200 iTunes!
Contest Rules:
¨ Contest is open to all teens/youth ages 12 – 18 years
¨ Participants MUST be RESIDENTS of Edmonton and Area
¨ Original artwork should be of 8” x 11” and landscape orientation
¨ Participants can only submit one original work of their own
¨ Start Date of Contest: June 03, 2015
¨ Deadline for submission is June 30, 2015
¨ Mail artwork to #2 9137 Jasper Ave Edmonton AB T5H 3T2 by June 30th
¨ Accepted entries will be notified by July 31, 2015
Submission Requirements:
All pieces must be labeled with the following information:
Student’s full name, Age, School/program, Home Address, and Phone.
**Posters are submitted with understanding EFAN (Edmonton and Area Fetal Alcohol Network Society) has the right of display online or at public events.